GraphScope Playground

Try GraphScope directly in your browser in a managed JupyterLab. 在您的浏览器中试用基于 JupyterHub 的 GraphScope。
To try the GraphScope Playground, you can simply login and get started with your Github account. Please note:
  • Each logged-in user will be assigned with a JupyterLab session with GraphScope pre-installed. Tutorials for using GraphScope are provided in the JupyterLab.
  • From each JupyterLab session, you can access a Kubernetes cluster with a resource limit of 16 CPU cores and 32GB memory. It is enough for running through all the examples and tutorials. Please remember to close and free unused GraphScope sessions before starting new ones.
  • Due to the resource limit, we can only serve a limited number of active users at a time, in a first-come, first-served manner.
  • A session will automatically expire after 120 mins (or 15 mins without user interactions). Better to keep your own files and changes in the workspace folder. All the other changes will be reset after the session ends.
  • The service provided by GraphScope Playground is strictly limited to the trial of GraphScope ONLY. Any other use is strictly prohibited. Your use of the service will be at your own risk. And we provide no warranties to the service.
  • The service provide by GraphScope Playground is a trial environment, wherein we cannot guarantee any level of service quality or data security. That means that the data or files you upload may be loss or even attacked and stolen.
要试用 GraphScope Playground,您只需使用您的 Github 帐户登录即可。请注意:
  • 我们将为每个登录用户分配一个安装了 GraphScope 的 JupyterLab 会话,并在该 JupyterLab 中提供了使用 GraphScope 的教程。
  • 在每个 JupyterLab 会话中,您都可以访问 Kubernetes 集群,其资源限制为 16 个 CPU 内核和 32GB 内存。 这些资源足以完成所有示例和教程。在开始新的 GraphScope 会话之前,请记住关闭并释放它们。
  • 由于资源限制,我们一次只能以先到先得的方式为有限的活动用户提供服务。
  • 会话将在 120 分钟(或没有任何用户活动 15 分钟)后自动过期。建议您将自己的脚本保存在工作区文件夹中。会话结束后,所有其他更改将被重置。
  • GraphScope Playground 提供的服务仅限于试用 GraphScope,严禁将其用于其他任何用途。您对服务的使用将自担风险。
  • GraphScope Playground 仅是一个试用环境,我们无法提供任何服务质量以及数据安全保证,意味着您上传的数据、文件可能会丢失,甚至遭受到攻击窃取。
Sign-in with Github and Star GraphScope 以 GitHub 账户登录并给 GraphScope 加星 Proceed with Signing-in with Github without starring GraphScope 不对 GraphScope 项目加星,直接以 GitHub 账户登录试用